domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Summer Update

Great Updates on the Way

We're happy to introduce the Summer Update! It's chock-full-o' the changes our players have been asking for. From Supergroup improvements to new emotes to a full-on Renaissance Center upgrade, we took all our cues from you. What follows is a list of all the great stuff coming your way in late August.
  • Renaissance Center Social Space - We've updated the social heart of Millennium City to better accommodate vendors, moved the Powerhouse to a better location and .
  • Bug Fixes - We ran a fine-toothed comb over the game and cleared up quite a few issues.
  • New Tights Sets - New costume options for traditionally-minded heroes.

  • Female High-Heeled Boots - Five new high-heeled tech boots for female characters.

State of the game August 20

Executive Producer Shannon Posniewski checks in with this month's state of the game.
Hello Champions!
A quick update on what's going on at Champs HQ.

Summer Update Live August 24

As most of you know, we've been focused on the Summer Update for the past month or so. The final candidate is now on the test server and is scheduled to go live on August 24! Right now it's looking good to go. This update has a lot of quality of life things in it: Supergroup improvements, an updated Renaissance Center, many new emotes, a harder difficulty setting, costume unlock fixes, MOAR TIGHTS and much more.
You may remember that we were planning on doing a big pet update with this release. The feedback from the test server was that the changes didn't make pets feel better or more fun or more interesting. So, we decided to take the pet changes out for this update. Once the Summer Update is live, we'll have something new to try on the test server. We expect that the new pet changes will be in the next update.
As always, check out the patch notes for the complete list.

martes, 3 de agosto de 2010


Known Issues
  • The pet tray UI is still in progress. A new version of the UI will be released in the next build.
  • Existing Super Groups may need to manually rename some ranks as the new ranks names will not overwrite the existing ones.
New Features

Pet Powers Pass
Pets have undergone a major overhaul. We've tightened up their design, made their control and systems more uniform, given them some new universal abilities, and tried to make them just overall more interactive, more balanced, more useful, and generally more fun.