Stats have 3 ways of affecting your character: innate, power, and Super Stat Bonuses.
1) Innate Bonuses
Every stat provides some sort of benefit to your character. These are described in game and you can place your cursor over the stat in your Character window to see how much of a benefit they provide to each thing. These benefits are the same for everyone, regardless of powers. Here is the list:
1. Strength
* Increases Knockback strength for all knockback attacks. -- 1 Str = 1% Knockback strength
* Increases resistance to Knockback. -- 1 Str = 1% Knockback resistance
* Increases ability to break from tangible holds. - 50 + Str*0.78 @ level 40. Hardcap at 225%
* Increases melee damage (excluding Ego Blades). The damage bonus caps at 20%. At level 40, it requires roughly 100 Strength to reach this cap. It's possible that the formula to find the STR required to hit the cap is Level*2.5, but I haven't been able to confirm that with a developer or in game.
* Increases the weight that can be lifted by "Pickup and Throw" ability. -- Strength required to lift different weights can be found here.
2. Constitution
* Increases Health. -- 1 Con = 10 Health
3. Ego
* Increases critical strike damage. -- Critical Severity has a softcap of (roughly) 80%
* Increases ability to break from intangible holds. -- 50 + Ego*0.78 @ level 40. Hardcap at 225%
* Ego does NOT universally improve the strength or duration of holds. Confirmed by a developer here.
4. Recovery
* Increases Energy Equilibrium, the amount of energy you have at the start of combat. -- Equilibrium = Base Eq + (REC * 0.71)
* Increases the percentage of your Total Energy gained when using Energy Building attacks, requiring fewer attacks to reach full Energy.
* Increases Energy gained from effects other than Energy Building attacks as well.
5. Dexterity
* Increases critical strike chance. -- There is a soft cap of 20+(0.15*level) chance for a critical.
* Increases effectiveness of stealth powers.
6. Intelligence
* Reduces Energy costs. -- There is a softcap of 50% Energy reduction at level 40.
* Reduces cooldown times. -- Power recharge bonus = INT*0.0015
* Increases Pet damage.
* Increases stealth detection.
7. Presence
* Increases threat in Defensive role. -- Percent Threat Gain = PRE/10
* Decreases threat in Balanced, Offensive and Support roles. -- Percent Threat Reduction = PRE/5 in Balanced Role
* Increases Pet health.
* Increases Targeted Heals.
8. Endurance
* Increases maximum Energy. -- 1 END = 1 Energy
* Increases the numerical amount of Energy gained by Energy Building attacks, but you still take the same number of hits to fill your Energy.
2) Power Bonuses
Certain powers are made stronger by certain stats. They will list the effect in the description. Here is a list of which powers scale based on which stats:
1. Electricity
1. Electric Form
* End - Increases Energy damage (Electricity, Sonic, Particle) buff.
* Rec - Increases Energy damage resistance.
2. Ionic Reverberation
* Rec - Increases Energy gain (beyond the +Energy Strength from Recovery).
2. Fire
1. Fiery Form
* Pre - Increases Elemental damage (Fire, Ice, Toxic) buff.
* Rec - Increases Elemental damage resistance.
2. Thermal Reverberation
* Presence - Increases Energy gain
3. Force
1. Personal Force Field
* End - Increases the amount of damage the force field can absorb.
* Ego - Increases the amount of health the force field regains every 3 seconds.
4. Ice
1. Ice Form
* End - Increases Elemental damage buff.
* Dex - Increases Elemental damage resistance.
5. Archery
1. Quarry: Fair Game
* Con - Increases Health gain.
6. Gadgeteering
1. None
7. Munitions
1. Holdout Pistol
* Dex - Increased damage when landing a critical hit.
2. Killer Instinct
* Dex - Returns Energy when you land a critical hit with a munitions power.
* Ego - Increases the amount of Energy returned by critical hits.
8. Power Armor
1. Invulnerability
* Str - Increases the fixed damage reduction.
* Con - Increases the percentage damage reduction.
2. Targeting Computer
* Int - Increases Energy gain
9. Martial Arts (Claws, Single Blade, Dual Blades, and Unarmed)
1. Lightning Reflexes
* Dex - Increases dodge and avoidance.
2. Focus of the *
* Strength - Increases Energy gain
3. Powers/Advantages indirectly improved by Dex
* Focus of the Unleashed Tempest(DB) - Damage bonus buff applied when you crit
* Focus of the Unfettered Warrior(MA) - Damage bonus buff applied when you dodge
* Dragon's Wrath: Tiger's Courage(DB) - Damage bonus on this attack based on your crit chance
4. Powers/Advantages indirectly improved by Ego
* Blade Tempest: Crashing Crescendo(DB) - Ego increases damage done by crits caused by this advantage
* Storm's Harvest: Red-Eyed Dragon(DB) - Ego increases damage done by crits caused by this advantage
10. Telekinesis
1. Telekinesis (the power)
* Ego - Increases the size of objects that can be lifted and damage done. -- -- Ego required to lift different weights can be found here.
2. Ego Form
* Con - Increases damage reduction.
* Ego - Increases the damage of second blade.
3. Ego Surge
* Ego - Increases the damage of second blade.
11. Telepathy
1. Mindful Reinforcement
* Pre - Increases damage absorb (and as a result the heal as well).
2. Telepathic Reverberation
* Pre - Increases Energy gain
12. Might
1. Defiance
* Con - Increases defense gained and energy gained.
2. Enrage
* Str - Increases damage buff.
13. Darkness
1. Shadow Form
* Con - Increases defense gained.
* End - Increases damage buff.
2. Spirit Reverberation
* End - Increases Energy gain.
14. Sorcery (all)
1. All Auras
* Pre - Increases effectiveness of Auras
* However, Int increases pet damage and Pre increases pet health, heals, and buffs. This set is almost entirely pets, heals, and buffs.
15. Supernatural
1. Regeneration
* Con - Regeneration does NOT heal based on total health, CON has no impact on this power. You can see my test results here.
* Rec - Improves the regeneration rate.
* Dex - Is NOT supposed to allow Regeneration to crit, confirmed by a developer here.
2. Resurgence
* Con - Improves the heal.
16. Celestial
1. Seraphim
* Pre - Increases damage bonus
* Con - Increases healing bonus
3) Super Stats
Lastly, you will choose 2 super stats at 5 and 13. These two stats will be granted a bonus every level (at level 40 you get +80 to each super stat). These two stats also provide a bonus to damage for ALL powers. If I chose DEX and CON and had 100 of each, I would do just as much base damage (with the same powers) as someone else who chose EGO and END with 100 in each. The key is deciding which Innate bonuses and Power bonuses are important to you and then choosing your two super stats based on how you want your character to perform. I'll give you another example:
My main character is a Mentalist who uses a mixture of Force/Telekinesis/Telepathy powers, including Personal Force Field. I choose EGO and END for my super stats, as a result I get the following bonuses from these two stats:
-Increased inmaterial hold resistance (Innate)
-Increased Critical hit damage (Innate)
-Increased PFF absorption regen (Power)
-Increased Telekinesis strength (Power) -- That is the Telekinesis power for lifting objects, not the whole Set
-Increased base damage on every damage power I have (Super Stat)
-Increased Total Energy (Innate)
-Increased Energy from Energy Building Attacks (Innate)
-Increased PFF total damage absorb (Power)
-Increased base damage on every damage power I have (Super Stat)
At the same time, I could take DEX instead of END to build a "critical hit" type character, but my Personal Force Field and Total Energy would suffer because I would be more focused on DEX gear. I can still get the DEX +critical with END as a super stat. But since I'd lack the +DEX super stat bonus, and I'd focus more on END gear for all of its benefits, my critical chance would not likely be as high.
Note about items
*The stats on gear have decimal values which are hidden to make them easier to read. As a result, one +20 Str item may actually give +20.1 while another gives +20.4
Note about Soft Caps
Originally Posted by Daeke - Public Test Patch Notes
* Hard caps on characteristics have been removed. The benefits granted by a statistic at the “target” point for each level are unchanged. (It is relatively easy to push stats above this target point, but it always requires that they be Characteristic Focuses combined with above average gear). The benefit for stats below the target point at each level are increased. For some calculations, this benefit is substantial. Benefits for stats above the target point at each level are decreased, and suffer diminishing returns (but, since there are no longer any hard caps, it's *possible* to get more total benefit).
* Characteristic Focuses (All): Now follows diminishing returns model. You should see much greater benefit from low values in stats designated as a Characteristic Focus, but escalating diminishing returns once your damage bonus exceeds +30%. This is calculated per statistic.
* Critical Strike Chance (DEX): The formula for critical strike chance now follows a pattern of escalating returns. The benefit for the first few points of Dexterity is small, but each additional point is worth more than the previous one. Players will be able to easily achieve critical hit values of ~6%, though with a Characteristic Focus this value can rapidly grow to more than 20%. After that point, the return for additional Dexterity diminishes.
* Critical Strike Severity (EGO): The formula for critical strike severity now follows a diminishing returns model. Low values of Ego should generate a comparatively high critical severity value, with values of ~50% being easily achieved. Increases of greater than ~80%, however, will require significant investments and probably a Characteristic Focus.
* Energy Discount (INT): The Energy Discount benefit from Intellect now follows a pattern of escalating returns. The benefit for the first few points of Intellect is small, but each additional point is worth more than the previous one. Players will be able to easily achieve energy discount values of ~10%, though with a Characteristic Focus this value can rapidly grow (The actual cap is very level dependent. For reference, it's about 35% at level 20, and about 50% at level 40. This value is indexed against the similarly escalating, but linear, benefits of Recovery and Endurance.). After that point, the return for additional Intellect diminishes.
Soft Cap Calculations
If you're not interested in the math, you can stop reading now. The information this is pulled from conversations with Balseraph on pages 9-10 of the guide.
These are the target values for the softcap benefit. You are at your level's softcap when you reach this bonus:
Super Stat Damage Target% = 30
Critical Chance Target% = 20 + 0.15*level
Critical Severity Target% = varies up and down, but floats around 80% (81.34% at 40)
The only thing missing is the Target% for INT varies level to level, so right now my estimate from the patch notes is:
Energy Reduction Target% = 20 + level * 0.75
Here's the formula to find the softcap for your level.
20 + (level * 3.022 * (1.01)^level)
Super Stat Formula:
(Target% * 2) * (1 - 1 / (1 +
Crit Chance Formula
(Target% * 2) * (1 - 1 / (1 + (
Crit Severity Formula
(guia sacada de los foros de Champions Online)