Every stat provides some sort of benefit to your character. These are described in game and you can place your cursor over the stat in your Character window to see how much of a benefit they provide to each thing. These benefits are the same for everyone, regardless of powers. Here is the list:
1. Strength
o Increases Knockback strength for all knockback attacks. -- 1 Str = 1% Knockback strength
o Increases resistance to Knockback. -- 1 Str = 1% Knockback resistance
o Increases ability to break from tangible holds.
o Increases melee damage (excluding Ego Blades). The damage bonus caps at 20% and should a
Super Stat.
o Increases the weight that can be lifted by "Pickup and Throw" ability.
2. Constitution
o Increases Health. -- 1 Con = 10 Health
3. Ego
o Increases critical strike damage. -- Critical Severity = (EGO * 20)/Level
o Increases ability to break from intangible holds.
o Ego does NOT universally improve the strength or duration of holds. Confirmed by a developer here.
4. Recovery
o Increases Energy Equilibrium. -- Equilibrium = Base Eq + (REC * 0.71)
o Increases the percentage of your Total Energy gained when using Energy Building attacks, requiring fewer attacks to reach full Energy.
5. Dexterity
o Increases critical strike chance. -- Varies logarithmically level to level. @ 40 - Crit Chance = 0.161 * (DEX - 39.03)
o Increases effectiveness of stealth powers.
6. Intelligence
o Reduces Energy costs.
o Reduces cooldown times. -- Power recharge bonus = INT*0.0015
o Increases Pet damage.
o Increases stealth detection.
7. Presence
o Increases threat in Defensive role. -- Percent Threat Gain = PRE/10
o Decreases threat in Balanced, Offensive and Support roles. -- Percent Threat Reduction = PRE/5 in Balanced Role
o Increases Pet health.
o Increases Healing and Buffing effects.
8. Endurance
o Increases maximum Energy. -- 1 END = 1 Energy
o Increases the numerical amount of Energy gained by Energy Building attacks, but you still take the same number of hits to fill your Energy.
(informacion extraida de los foros del Champions Online)
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