Halloween Costume Set
(640 Cryptic Points)
Halloween Masks and costume pieces are here! The pieces can also be purchased individually:
Skeleton Set: 240 Cryptic Points
Web Set: 240 Cryptic Points
Head Set: 240 Cryptic Points

Cyborg Beast Costume Set (240 Cryptic Points)
This futuristic costume set allows players to create mechanical monstrosities fighting on the side of good. The set includes Beast Head, Wings, Tail, Beast Legs, Claw Hands and Claw Feet. NOTE: This costume set unlocks for every character on an account.

This fantasy costume set lets players create an arcane hero and is especially suitable for creating Samurai, Knights or Armored Spell Casters. The set includes Mouth Accessory, Side Accessory, Top Accessory, Chest Armor, Shoulder Armor, Bracers, Belt, Leg Accessories and Boots. Two custom emotes also come with this set! NOTE: This costume set unlocks for every character on an account.

Bestial Emblem Pack (80 Cryptic Points)
The Bestial Emblem Pack contains 10 three-color emblems of animal heads. These can be used on a variety of costume parts including chest, back and head emblems, insignia shoulder pads, and belt. NOTE: This emblem set unlocks for every character on an account.

Bear, Gorilla, Piranha, Rat, Rhino, Snake, Stag, Tiger, Vulture, Wolf.
Sci-Fi Emblem Pack (80 Cryptic Points)
The Sci-Fi Emblem pack contains 10 three-color emblems representing planets, comets, asteroids, and other heavenly bodies. These can be used on a variety of costume parts including chest, back and head emblems, insignia shoulder pads, and belt. NOTE: This emblem set unlocks for every character on an account.

Asteroid Belt, Comet, Solar System, Planet with Asteroids, Planet with Rings, Ray Gun, Rocket Ship Sleek, Rocket Ship Large, Sun Flare, UFO.
Weapons Emblem Pack (80 Cryptic Points)
The Weapons Emblem Pack contains 10 three-color emblems of guns, swords and exotic weapons. These can be used on a variety of costume parts including chest, back and head emblems, insignia shoulder pads, and belt. NOTE: This emblem set unlocks for every character on an account.

Curved Axe, Jeweled Axe, Straight Axe, Bow/Arrow, Flame Sword, Hand Gun, Kunai, Submachine Gun, Angel Wing Sword, Bat Wing Sword.
Additional Character Slots (1200 Cryptic Points per 4 additional slots)
New accounts come with eight (8) character slots. Players can purchase sets of four (4) additional character slots per account.
Full Retcon (1000 Cryptic Points per token)
This grants a single character a one-time opportunity to completely “wipe the slate clean” in terms of all powers, travel powers, advantages, talents and characteristics. This type of “token” is purchased at the account level, but is used by a single hero. NOTE: A single hero can fully retcon once per token.
Character ReName (280 Cryptic Points per ReName)
Over the course of time, a hero may endure life-changing events that drastically alter his powers and person and literally see him reborn. While this can simply be reflected in his costume at any tailor, changing his very identity may also be desirable. This type of “token” is purchased at the account level, but is used by a single hero. NOTE: A single hero can be ReNamed once per token.
Additional Costume Slots (400 Cryptic Points per two additional slots)
Heroes have the opportunity to unlock three (3) Individual and one (1) Super Group costume slots by level 40. Players can purchase sets of two (2) additional costume slots to increase the flexibility of their hero! NOTE: These costume slots are applied to every character on an account.
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